Ive been using Copilot on the Palm for 4 years. I dont tell my private pilot students about Copilot until after they get their ticket because if they use it before then they would never learn to do cross country planning, weight and balance, compute crosswinds, or use an A/FD! This program does all that tedious planning stuff that us flight instructors tortured you with! I now use it to help check my students work. I really cant find another moblie flight planning program that does everything Copilot does! They may have a couple of features like E6B stuff, but then theyll be missing something else Copilot has, like W&B.
My two complaints about the iPhone/Touch version is that you cant download premade aircraft profiles like you could on the Palm and the lack of frequencies runway info. Granted even the Palm aircraft profiles needed to be edited to at least your empty weight, c.g./moment, N number, and sometimes more, but even then they were a good starting point. As for the airpor/navaid info, you should confirm the freq/runway info with the A/FD and NOTAMs but it was still handy to have in the Copilot info. You still have the option of entering these manually in the notes section to the waypoints, but still not as handy, like the aircraft profiles situation. One positive thing that has been added to the airport info is the ability to view it in Google Maps. This is stored in the memory so Touch users dont have to be connected to the WiFi to see the picture of the airport. I only have a Touch so I cant comment on the new HSI feature that looks really good. Overall though, Im still going to recommend it to every pilot I meet that has an iPhone/Touch or a Palm!