This is half baked.
This does about 30% of any real flight plan.
No more then an E6B with way point lookup.
Worth no more then a few bucks.
After you get done playing with this, then you will still need to:
- Look up the weather and manual enter it.
- Pull out the AF/D and/or Sectionals to get nav/comm frequencies
- Phone numbers would be good too.
- Runway lengths
- Runway Headings and Taxiway designations
- ETCs
Once you enter data (in any field) the first time, the units are never
shown again. This is BAD IDEA.
Ohh, and the waypoint data... Im not so sure that it is current.
Close enough for an ADF or NDB maybe.
In its current state, this is a waste of time and money.
If this could lookup the wx and could ref AF/D database it would be a big improvement.
Maybe they could throw in a flight timer too, with visual alarm signal... like a flashing led.
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CoPilot - Aviation Flight Planning